
Thursday, May 13, 2010

European Authorities Join Facebook Privacy Dogpile

In the news "European privacy advocates have added their voices to complaints about Facebook's privacy changes, and they say certain ways Facebook treats data may even be illegal under European laws. Facebook's approach to its recent privacy controversy mirrors previous instances that have upset users, according to analyst Greg Sterling -- it only relents once pressure becomes unbearable" (read more at http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/69982.html?wlc=1273772232>)

It is not only about facebook.Many websites, and e tailers are showing more concern about the EU strict laws about privacy.

Few days ago, i was making a purchase online " pen stylus to replace the lost one", and when i proceeded to the check out, i filled out all the info, and then when i put the card number, another question popped out, and said : Are you an EU citizen? . It was a strange question,and it said "?click here" . i was wondering why i am asked this question, i clicked to know why. The main point was, that if i am an EU citizen then a lot of the info that i provided such as my name, phone, email will not be kept in the data, or shared blah blah"

So i clicked : yes, i am an EU citizen (although i am not but i put yes). They are more strict about personal info, and i like that. I hate receiving emails from marketers, or phone calls.

I hope soon all websites will have this option, this way i will get less spam and annoying calls, and they will save themselves from future legal trouble

1 comment:

  1. Also, last year the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic, per Director Phillipa Lawson, filed a 35-page complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner against Facebook on May 31, 2008, based on 22 breaches of the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
    However, this month Facebook introduced some changes, including a feature to allow users to limit the visibility of friend’s lists.The upgrades include being able to approve the devices users commonly use to log in and being notified when that account has been accessed via a device that has not been approved. Another feature is giving users the ability to block suspicious logins before they happen.
